October 11, 2013

Tricks & Treats..

These two are full of tricks & treats!

James has been so full of life lately! That's my polite way of saying he's been crazy :) But who wouldn't bounce off the walls if they've been cooped up at home with their postpartum mama + newborn crying brother? Can't blame the little dude one bit for acting out sometimes. = Trick. 

James has been talking more and more, which means he's been able to tell me what he wants instead of just grunting, which is sooo nice! = Treat. 

Henry has officially gone from constant sleep mode to semi-sleep mode which means he needs some convincing to fall asleep sometimes, which means time for the 5 S's! = Trick. 

Henry has been smiling! Not just the "I had gas and farted so now I'm happy" smiling, actually smiling at me when I talk to him! = Treat.

But best of all, James has been super sweet with Henry, for instance "Give your brother a kiss" results in this...

M E L T my H E A R T! = Treat.

Here are a few more snapshots of these two pumpkin heads...

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