October 8, 2013


Reading: Other than my newest Real Simple magazine, there's not much time for reading around here, unless it's the Cat in the Hat at bedtime! (Currently James' favorite book before bed).

Eating: Food that has been delivered and/or made by close friends + our church family! Thank you all so much for blessing us in this way. Truth be told, it is a HUGE relief for me. I don't know about you other mamas, but once 6pm rolls around, I AM BEAT! And making dinner with a toddler & a newborn in the house is so tough! It's almost like juggling, hopping on one foot, AND spelling supercalifragilisticexpialidocious out-loud! In other words, it's hard and tiring, so thank you!

Thinking About: How to balance being a mom///wife///and myself, Friends that are going through a lot, family that is far away, the HOLIDAYS that are coming up and how to cherish the memories that will hopefully be made, the new season we are in as a family (lots of faith and trust), and what my role is in all of this. I'm going to go ahead and call this "Thinking About" section, the "Praying About" section :)

Right before this was taken, James had a poopy diaper, Henry was screaming his head off, Teddy was barking, and I was "busy"all at the SAME TIME! It was awful, but we all managed to get through it.

Listening to: I haven't bought this album yet, but so far I like what I've heard!

Enjoying: The memory of Ireland whenever October rolls around, the memory of Mitch asking me to be his girlfriend 10 years ago this month, the memory of our wedding day 6 years ago this month, the shifting of the seasons as we approach cooler weather accompanied by warm tones and blues music (I always listen to old blues and jazz this time of year), and of course drinking Starbucks Anniversary blend. MMM....autumn!

18 year old Ana in Ireland. Take note that I am wearing my brother's active sweater, a pooka shell necklace, and I have very mousse filled wavy hair. Ahhh, adolescence! 

Watching: ALL OF THESE...

pss- I've also been watching a lot, and I mean A LOT of Thomas & Friends. I pretty much have the theme song down. "They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight, shunting trucks and hauling freight..."

Proof: J watching Thomas in his fave chair.

Loving: Whenever James hears a train passing through the Fullerton train station, he points to his ear and says, "HMMM???!!" We can hear the train horns up here on the hill at night and it's so funny whenever James hears them too! Henry's chubb is coming in! Can't wait for those extra delicious cinnamon roll thighs! My friends that have been pregnant are now catching up and holding their very own babes (shout out to you Kaylyn!). Teddy's furry body snuggled close on the few chilly nights we've had so far, and reflecting on the sermon Mitch gave on Sunday:

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." -Romans 12:1&2

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