September 17, 2013

Henry's Birth Story...

At first I wasn't sure about sharing Henry's birth story, but then I realized that labor and delivery experiences can be inspiring for others. I personally looked to other bloggers for encouragement as I read about their stories of their babies having to be emergency C-sections, or if their babies were breeched (which Henry was up until 38 weeks!), or what it was like after having an epidermal, and you know what? I figured what the heck, I'll share Henry's story, it was actually not that awful looking back, which brings me to James's birth...

I didn't share James's birth story because to be frank, it was pure hell. There was no way I was gonna re-live that awful ordeal via the world wide web. All I'm gonna say is this, try not to be induced if possible, because if your body isn't ready and the baby isn't ready, then it ain't meant to be! Baby will come when baby is ready. Period.

So back to Henry. 40 weeks came and went. Hi due date! Bye due date...

The doctor had me scheduled for a fetal stress test, ultrasound, and checkup on Thursday September 5th, which was the same day I'd hit 41 weeks being pregnant. So here we go...

Wednesday 9/4: I pick up mom from the Long Beach airport and we talk about how Henry is just so cozy, wondering when he'd make his debut. I feel 100% non-laborish, and even joke that we should go to the beach that weekend if he still hadn't been born yet!

Wednesday night 9/4: I go to bed feeling okay, a little backache but nothing huge.

Thursday morning 3:30 am: I wake up with the worst stomach and backache, then I wonder if this is labor??

Thursday morning 5:30am: I am having tiny contractions. Wake up Mitch so we can start to time them! I have contractions every hour until 11:30am that last for about 30-60 seconds happening every 5-15 minutes or so. I call my doctor who says to skip all the appointments scheduled for me that day, and to just head to the hospital when the contractions get closer together. Ok, let's do this!

Thursday 12pm: Nothing. What? Seriously. NOTHING. We are hanging out in the hospital parking lot trying to figure out what's going on. We decide to go in just to make sure Henry is okay.

Thursday 12:15pm: We are admitted as an outpatient with a 2 hour checkup where Henry & I are monitored. My amniotic fluid was a little low, about 6-7, but Henry was doing okay. Then the contractions started to pick up again but weren't consistent enough for the doctor. He suggested I see my OB and come back when I'm in "real labor". Bummer.

Thursday 2:45pm: We walk across the street to see my OB.

Thursday 3-3:30pm: My doctor checks me out, says I'm dilated at a 4-5, and that if my contractions are consistent for an hour, to head back to the hospital. The contractions were now about 30-60 seconds long, happening every 9 minutes.

Thursday 3:45pm: We run home for lunch. I eat 1/2 a sandwich.

Thursday 4pm: We leave for the hospital again. The contractions are in full force and I'm officially uncomfortable. Let the real labor begin!

Thursday 4:30pm: We are admitted!

Thursday 4:35pm-7pm: Contraction City, population ME, suck fest 2013.

Thursday 7:10pm: Epidermal. I'm not trying to be a hero, I have a low tolerance for pain, and I fully embrace Western medicine. Judge away, I was finally at peace for a second.

Thursday 9pm: Nurse comes in to check me and says these glorious words, "I wouldn't be surprised if you had your baby by midnight..."

Thursday 9:45pm: Getting more uncomfortable. "Henry, are you here yet??"

Thursday 10:30pm:-11pm: The nurse is a magician and we hear, "OK, you're ready to have a baby!"

Thursday 11pm: PUSH!!!

Thursday 11:19pm: I yell out, "Where's the DOCTOR? Get him in here!!!"---this seriously happened. I was not a happy camper.

Thursday 11:21pm: We hear Henry's cry for the first time and sing "Happy Birthday" in our heads as we hold our second son. So precious & so worth it weighing in at 8lbs 12oz and 20.5 inches long.

So there's Henry's birth story! Seems so crazy that it was almost 1/2 a month ago and my labor only lasted about 7-8 hours long! Henry Robert, we love you and all your chubby goodness, thank you for being such an incredible baby in utero, and an even more incredible little in our lives.

8lbs 12 oz!

"I'm cold."-Him

"We did it, Hank!"-Me


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

man he is soooooooo cute. well done.