September 16, 2013


Reading: Franny & Zooey by J.D Salinger-so far I'm on page 65 and it's an interesting read because the characters are very well written. Not sure what to expect from these sibilings, but based on a lot of your responses, it's bound to be a great read!

Eating: A lot of prepped food by my mama. She's been here almost 2 weeks and is leaving this Sunday. I am gonna be sooo lost without her for a while. Guess it's time to buckle down and get this two babies thing down and see what happens! Bring it on, littles!

Thinking About: A LOT. But mostly amazed at how good life really is. He is so good to me. So so good. That's all.

Listening to: THIS, on repeat...

Enjoying: All the quiet moments with Henry, the snuggling at night with James as I've come to realize just how much of a "big boy" he really is, my mom being under the same roof as me, my husband pursuing something that has been on his heart for years and years, adjusting to all the crazy that is around me with having two young babes, PUMPKIN SPICE LATTES, and last but not least, the idea that turning 28 Thursday doesn't bother me one bit because I'm exactly where I want to be at my age. There's nothing more satisfying than looking back the last 28 years and thinking, "Cool. It's been fun." 

Watching: Parenthood. I so wanna be a Braverman. I'm on Season 3 trying to catch up to Season 5 which premieres next Thursday at 10pm on NBC! Get hooked, people! You will not regret it...

Loving: seeing James try out Halloween costumes, Henry changing more each day, James being a big brother to Henry and "helping" us with him, that summer is almost over which means we are getting closer to autumn and closer to Christmas, insulated water bottles, pumpkin spice lattes (yes, I'm listing it again), being home full time and raising studly littles, etc. etc. 

Shout out to Dani over at Sometimes Sweet for inspiring me to do a "currently" post. I'll look back at this and recall the goodness that was all around me and know that all the crazy was not in vain! 

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