May 14, 2013

Here we go!!

Lots of changes in store for the Fierro family this season. 

First, I'll tell you all about her. 

Say hello to Miss Clara Portland Fierro. Or as we like to call her, "puppy", "Portland" and sometimes, "Hey! Don't chew that!" 

A good friend told us there was a litter of labs that needed a good home, and we just happen to have a good home! We know it's a little crazy to have a puppy only 8 weeks old when we will be having a newborn in about 15 weeks, but hey...sometimes you gotta embrace the crazy and learn to love it! 

We talked about getting another pup for well over 2 years and so we just went for it! ***ask me in September how I'm handling everything, mmkay?*** 

The other news can't be shared right away, but it's coming soon. Promise. I know you're all dying to hear what it's all about! *Wink face*

And this week my dear friend Emily is getting married!! I am so excited to be by her side as she experiences what will possibly be the greatest moment in her life! Cue the church bells, strike up the choir, it's bound to be the best of times this Sunday! 

So with all of that being said, can I admit to you that I didn't handle life so well last night? I had a melt down. Mostly from fatigue and the heat (pregnant, 100 degrees, and the news that can't be shared right now all seemed to have gotten to me) but it was bad. I reacted OVER THE TOP and even had to take a cold shower just like the little sister Kit in "A League of Their Own" does when she finds out she's been traded to a different baseball team. It was awful. I was angry, confused, hurt, disappointed (in myself), sweaty, and emotional. All that to say, I'm in serious need of a reality check, and I completely lack in the dept. of trusting in God. I worry. I feel anxious. I feel lost. And the worst part is, I know it's all such a lie to feel so helpless. 

This past Sunday we were in Matthew 6: 26+27, 
"Look at the birds of the air:they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?"

Hard truth to live by, but the truth nonetheless. So here's to living out the gospel...stay tuned! 

Also, this. 

Can't wait for baby Henry to get here so I can have double the snuggle! 

Ps-love the photo editing of Portland & of James/me? It's called "A Beautiful Mess" and it's by the creators of ABM. Great job ladies! I love it! 


Pammy said...

aww i love your lab! is your lab chocolate or black lab? they are lots of fun and can be very hyper. we have a chocolate lab coco, and sometimes he thinks he's still a puppy cause he wants to sit on your lap. they love to cuddle! coco likes to sleep with a blanket as well. oh and the best toy to get her is a kong ball. that thing will last forever and after chewing and playing with it she will get tired.that's what happens with coco lol. they are also good with kids. coco loves to play and chase them around. now i wish coco was a puppy....

Ana said...

She's a black lab! And thanks Pam! I'll have to get her that kong ball! I love their products!

Dad :) said...

I hope you're doing better today mija. Since you have a new family member you can now add her to your bio and say plus +2 pups. Sending my love and prayers to help you cope, Dad