June 11, 2013

Life Happenings /// Smash Book...

Hey there.

Well, it's been almost a month since my last post. To start, my last day at Starbucks was last week. I know. Crazy, right? I didn't want to blast the news all over social media because it was kind of a tough decision for me. I saw the bux as a safety net, and since that net has been removed, I feel a little exposed and am totally trusting in Him that everything will be alright :)

Also, James + I went on a little adventure together last week. It was a little crazy, but we did it! I'll post more about that tomorrow or Thursday! 

Also, Portland has a new home. She went to live with our good pals Donnie + Jenn who are beyond head over heels for her! We couldn't have chosen a greater family to love her. We realized it might get a little too overwhelming training a pup and caring for a newborn at the same time. Maybe we'll get another sweet canine pal for Teddy one day, but for now we will continue spoiling him as the only furry baby around here. 

Also, have you heard of Smash books? Yes? NO!? I love mine. I don't feel the need to make it perfect the way I do with scrap books (even though it's essentially the same thing), with my S.B, I just throw stuff on the page, write out some quick notes or detail, and voila! A page is done! Mitch gave it to me a few months ago as a "just cuz" gift, but I've recently been journaling and pasting in it. 

Here's a little preview of mine: 

I recently created a board on Pinterest for my smash book /// scrap book. Check it here if you fancy. 

Still don't really "get it"? 
Watch this video...you'll get it :) 

1 comment:

Pammy said...

James looks so cute in his swim gear! Sorry that you guys don't have Portland anymore...but glad that she went to a good home. That had to be tough.

I love that Smash Book Idea! I like to do scrap booking but I really don't have the time and patients to sit there and put ideas together! with the Smash book I can just past and write a little something and bang i'm done...easy peasy! I need to find me one of those Smash Books!