March 11, 2013

The "This & Thats" of Life...

Sorry I haven't been blogging as often! I have James' 12 month post, his birthday post, and a few others I'd love to get up here! Soon, I hope!

So here's what's been going on this past month! Hold onto your seats...

  • MOVING DAY! We've been in our new place for a week and a half and still have some unpacking to do. So excited to get our new couch on Wednesday! 
  • Date night! OZ the Great and Powerful was pretty entertaining! :)
  • Pregnancy round 2! The past few weeks I've felt extra pregnant. OH! We also know what sex baby #2 is! Another post on this later (promise)
  • Lent! Being off social networking is kind of tough but I have to admit I've been checking my FB because of the next point...
  • Bridal shower planning! Have I mentioned I'm a matron of honor?! I'm so excited for my dear friend Emily & her fiance Johnny! May 19th can't come fast enough!
  • Writing for RARW! The 3 year anniversary of the Fullerton art walk was a blast! Be on the look out for my article! 
  • Mommy/Son Disneyland trips! These only last about 2 hours, but it's fun spending time with my favorite little guy at our favorite park.
  • Shooting film! Nothing like photographing your babe's 1st "everything" in black and white film. 
Us on Tom Sawyer Island


Pammy said...

I'm pretty excited to hear what #3 is!!!!

Ana said...

@pammy---just you wait! :)