March 19, 2013

Pregnancy Round 2...

Baby is the size of an onion! 
Photo credit: The Bump

Well, I can't believe I'll be 17 weeks this Thursday. Here's a short list of how it has been going and some things that Mitch and I have started to discuss...

Pregnancy #2 is COMPLETELY different than when I was pregnant with James. I didn't really have any symptoms with Baby Fierro until about a month ago. Then the nausea, cravings, and EXTREME thirst for water kicked in.

The headaches. Oi. The headaches have been the worst of it. I'll be completely fine and then BOOM! Headache. Lots of water is supposed to help with this, but to be honest I am lacking in that department. I seriously need to carry around my water bottle more...

It all seems to be zooming by so quickly! I know a lot of this has to do with me being 100% preoccupied with James, which I don't mind at all. I can see how the days and months are going by so quickly, I guess I just didn't expect it to go by soooo fast!

Quickening! I can feel Baby Fierro moving around a lot sooner than I thought I would. Suppose it has something to do with already knowing what it's like :)


This leads to thoughts on delivery and a summer pregnancy. Ugh. Not looking forward to either one, but I am looking forward to lots of watermelon, tank tops, museum and beach trips, and a trip to San Diego. And of course meeting our little babe at the end of August.

We've also been talking about trying out new baby products this time around. Like the Ergo instead of the Bjorn. And thinking of which double stroller to purchase (2 of everything! Whoo hoo!). A mom I met at Disneyland told me the Phil and Ted's  Verve is the best for double strollers. It's a little pricey, but we'd definitely check consignment stores + Craigslist for something like that first. And whether or not our Subaru is big enough. I think it will be fine, but Mitch isn't so sure.

So that's how it's been going so far! Nothing too crazy this time around. No sudden out bursts at unfit macaroni and cheese making (on Mitch's part), no violent crying because a character died in a book I've been reading (like when I read the Hunger Games), and no horrible vomiting every time I go to brush my teeth! Hurrah!

ps- today James dropped my iphone 5 in Teddy's water bowl. I almost cried. ALMOST. It's sitting in a bowl of rice as I type. And I had a horrible craving for a java chip frappaccino. Baristas everywhere on the planet are judging me as I type. 


carrie said...

the bowl of rice will work! promise, just don't touch it. so excited about your baby #2:)

Ana said...

@Carrie---dude. Put it in the rice, and it didn't work! I'm starting to think the rice thing is a myth, like alligators in the sewer, or Bigfoot, or rats the size of small dogs in NYC. Mitch is taking it to the genius bar today so maybe there is hope for it!