March 28, 2013

Currently Reading...

I heard this was a must-read over at Sometimes Sweet so I went online to reserve a copy from my local library. Sadly, I realized I was 7th in line to reserve it! At that rate I'd get a copy sometime in December, insert sad face Ana. So I told my good librarian friend Jenny my sad situation, and then she messaged me a day later telling me she had a copy at her library! SCORE! Insert happy face Ana here. So I started it last night and I'm currently on page 79 (this is a miracle for any mama with a 13 month old), and I have to tell you guys... I like it! I'll post a mini review once I'm done. I was surprised to find out it's in theaters now. Guess the ratings were womp-womp but the book is pretty good so let the haters hate! 

1 comment:

Pammy said...

I'm currently reading this book as well! I thinks it's pretty great. I can't wait to see the movie, but I'll just wait until it comes out on dvd. Mean while I can start reading the rest of the book series!