April 10, 2013

Henry Robert...

My son. Our son.

We are so excited to meet you! We can't wait to see who you will look like, if you will resemble your older brother James, or if you will be your own little person completely different and wonderful.

I have to tell you, if you're anything like you've been in my womb, then I think you're going to be a quiet boy. My pregnancy symptoms have been so different with you! I didn't have symptoms until I was almost 4 months pregnant, and even now the only ones I have are headaches, some reflux, and that's about it! No backaches, no constant sobbing, and I can brush my teeth without losing breakfast which is wonderful!

We have some baby clothes that used to fit your brother James, which I know you won't mind using since you'll be oh-so-stylish. You're birthday is somewhere around August 29th (20 weeks away!) which means this summer is going to be a long one for your mama, but that's ok. I'm looking forward to watermelon, museum and movie theatre trips, and even pool/beach days!

And we loved seeing you yesterday! You showed us your back, femur bone, and a quick shot of your profile. Your brother was busy getting into drawers, which I'm sure he'll tell you all about once you're able to explore with him, but your dad was staring at you saying "oh wow" :)
The technician said you're about 12 oz already! 4 oz away from a whole pound! Way to go, Henry! The average babe at this stage is about 10oz, so you're doing wonderful son!

That's all for now. Keep growing strong my little banana (that's how long you are this week), and we will keep you healthy with your favorite foods Raisin Bran, Mac + Cheese, and mango salsa. YUM!


Ashley Anker said...

so cute!

Ana said...

@Ashley---Thank you! We are excited to meet him!