November 1, 2012


I cannot believe that at the end of this month we will celebrate the beginning of the holiday season! But before I get into Christmas, I want to talk about Thanksgiving. It's a holiday where we gather with friends and family, eat a bunch of food, and discuss what we're thankful for...I completely understand why this holiday is my husband's favorite! A day to just relax, eat and contemplate our blessings?! Yessss!

One thanksgiving in particular was a very special one to me...I was about 10 or 11 years old, and as I sat amongst my aunts, uncles, cousins and nana, we all went around to say what we were thankful for. Some of us said we were thankful for one more year of life, others said they were thankful for my nana's cooking (If you only knew! This woman had a serious gift for making delicious food) and I remember saying, "I'm thankful for all of you. Everybody here is special to me." So deep for a 10ish year old, right?

So this month, I am promising one post a day about something I am thankful for. I'm pretty excited, also pretty nervous that I might get behind, but let's cross that bridge if we get there.

Day #1, I am thankful for : 

Posted on 11-30-07, this was my first blogpost photo!

This blog! A place I can share my thoughts, the happenings in our household, the everyday adventure called parenthood, and the blessings that come with the ups and downs of life!

So what are you thankful for today? 


April said...

November is my most favorite month because Thanksgiving is my most favorite holiday! Today I am thankful for our great nation that allows us to vote for our leaders.

Ana said...

Well said April! Such a privilege to live in the U.S! Can't believe how fast Election Day is coming up. Time to get cracking on reading those propositions!

GeorgiaDes said...

I'm in this!!! yes!!