November 1, 2012

8 months...

James, you're 8 months! Actually 8.5 months, and since I've been posting your monthly bdays about 2 weeks late, I guess we will just keep up the trend since you're 1 year birthday is around the corner!

So at 8 months, you have...drumroll please...

Six teeth! SIX TEETH. 

And we can see the effects of these six glorious baby teeth in places like your highchair, your crib, certain toys, and your dad's personal favorite, our fingers! But we still love our little chomping machine!

You drink a bottle about 4-6x a day, your favorite snacks are cheerios and banana puffs! Your favorite foods are sweet potatoes and pears, you don't carry a lovey with you, but we always swaddle you with your favorite blanket to sleep at night (which we are going to fine tune very soon because mom and dad need you to sleep at night. 8-10 hours with 2-3 awakenings isn't cutting it man).

You love to play peek-a-boo. I mean, you seriously LOVE this game. I'm talking giggly and happy baby! You look around to see who notices you being a ham...which I'm inclined to say EVERYBODY notices you being a ham.

And you're skills of crawling are top notch, so good in fact that you've now begun to walk alongside the couch/recliner/tv cabinet/anything you can use to get from one place to the next.

Whew. What a month! Love you boo.


The out-takes:

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