October 3, 2012

The last 5 days...

I've been sniffling, super congested, body achey, head-achey, and tummy achey.

I realize moms around the world do it everyday, all the time, in any season of the year, but this was my first time having to take care of myself and my baby boy, and let me tell you, it was tough!

So my loving hubs took the night watch for me, and I slept on the sofa in the living room where I am positive I kept the books up all night with my sneezing and sniffling.

That humongous pile of laundry in the other room, the dirty kitchen floor, and the dog hair that is in mounds on the carpet doesn't seem so bad now that I can actually breathe out of one nostril, but let me confess, I did have a good crying session last night before I left for work...

As I sat at the kitchen table feeding James cereal and carrots, I cried because I was sooo tired. So I embraced the fact that I was just a little run down, and that even though the house was a mess, little James Arthur was happy + content with that bowl of carrots, so what was I freaking out for?

And today I'm actually starting to feel more like myself and less like a zombie with a vicious head cold...and you know what, it feels so so good to be back to normal!

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