September 28, 2012

7 months...

James! You are such a smart baby boy! This month you've hit so many milestones! You now have 2 teeth! YES, 2! You are army crawling all over the place, which you started doing a week after you turned 6 months, and now you're performing crazy yoga stances that physically scream, "I wanna crawl on my knees!" You're also a pro at drinking out of your sippy cup. The one with the straw and handles is your favorite.

You kind of cringe whenever you eat bananas. I think they're too tart for you, but you LOVE carrots + cereal mixed up. You also giggle so much with your daddy. I know you too are going to be best buds and have so much fun together.

You crack up at Teddy when he gets into his hyper fits and runs back and forth from your room to the living room...we laugh at you, laughing at him! Teddy loves licking your face after breakfast and dinner, and you seem to be ok with it. I know you're going to sneak him food from your plate one day...

For now, you are fitting better in 9 month clothes, still fit in size 3 diapers, and your new car seat is on its way! Dad got you a nice comfy one that you can grow in for a while :)

We love you so much boo, and are cherishing these exciting days with you.

lots of love,

Oh yeah, the outtakes... 

You are too much. 

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