October 5, 2012

1,826 days and counting...

5 years. That's how long 1,826 days is. 43,829 hours...2,629,743 minutes, that's how long I've been married to the man of my dreams.

So what's our story? How did we meet and know we were meant to spend the rest of our lives together?

We met at church. New to our faith, we were those Christians that were at church every waking moment. He served in the high school ministry, and let's just say I was there too :)

We began dating when I was a senior in high school at the ripe age of 18! He was 21, and we knew it was going to work out despite our age difference. Because let's be honest...I was/am a sophisticated lady with wisdom beyond my years...ha, I wish.

So we dated for a few years while I pursued school and he paid off some debt (credit cards are from the devil!) and on December 17th, 2006 he asked me to be his bride at the Snow White Wishing Well at Disneyland.

A little less than 10 months later on October 6th, 2007 we got hitched at The Orchard in Menafee, California. It will always be a cherished memory because that's where we promised our hearts to one another forever and ever.

Wanna see more of our awesome wedding photos? Click here. You know you wanna!

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