June 6, 2014


Reading: What's that?! Actually, I'm going to download "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green tonight. Wish me luck as I try my best to remember to even charge my Kindle, let alone make time to READ anything off of it :)

Doing: Weeeeell, the last two days I've been cleaning out a fish bowl because Mitch wanted to get James a "fishy".  My nephew Bobby was here this past weekend with my brother and brought some pets with him. So Bobby had these crabs (my nephew is obsessed with sea animals---especially crabs) but they left on Sunday back to Arizona. So James woke up Monday morning and didn't even ask for Bobby, instead he asks, "Where crabs go?". So we took J to Petsmart, picked out a fancy calico goldfish, brought that dumb fish home, set up his cool fishy house only for him to DIE. Sigh. So me being the super cool mom that I am, take that stupid fish out of the bowl with a plastic spoon as my hand is super shaky spilling fish water everywhere as I try to scoop it into a plastic baggy so Petsmart sees the DEAD fish so we can get a new stupid fish. Get him a regular old 29 cent whatever-goldfish, only for that fish to DIE within a few hours. WHAT THE CRAP?! Can't we keep a goldfish alive for at least a week??? How the heck is Teddy still breathing??? Anyway, I've been cleaning out the same fish bowl for the past 2 days because it's pretty much a fish graveyard. 

Enjoying: My boys. All 4 of them. James is talking more which is a sweet mix of wonderful and scary, Henry is crawling now and getting so big which is also wonderful and scary, Teddy is still my nap buddy and now my eat-that-food-off-the-floor-so-I-dont-have-to-mop-right-away buddy, and Mitch is my best friend. Who could ask for anything more?! These people are mine, I am trying my best to cherish and respect and love them well. It's such a BIG lesson to learn and live. Why is self-sacrificing so hard???

Watching: Not much. Summertime primetime blues, anyone? 

Loving: Singing Henry to sleep. Lately I've been singing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"... SOOO silly, I know. But it really is a soothing song if you think about it! Plus he knocks out most of the time before I even get to the part I don't know too well. AND it's a Christmas song, win-win! I've also been taking both boys to the Fullerton train station to watch choo-choos! We've also been seeing a lot of family lately, which I totally love. We went to the Aquarium of the Pacific a few weeks ago, and James had so much fun, thanks grandpa + me-maw (grandma)! And last weekend we went to Disneyland with my brother and nephew. Light sword fight anyone?  

Here are some pics that didn't make it to instagram or facebook. Happy weekending, pals! 

Mid-week Disney trip! 

Another Disney trip, ice cream this time. 

Light sword fighting with cousin Bobby! 

Coloring sesh on cousin Bobby

Fullerton train station with my boys!

Getting messy with mashed potatoes round 1.

Getting messy with mashed potatoes round 2.

Cake pop drunk face. Also, Teddy hoping he'll get a taste.

Henry liked the jelly fish at the Aquarium of the Pacific!

Me and my boo-thang at the aquarium. 
(This was right before he scream-cried because a seal swam by)


Oswald + Henry, napping away.

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