January 7, 2014

Happy 4 months, Henry!

My sweet boy,

You are 4 months old! Before you were born, people told me, "the 2nd time around goes so fast", and let me tell you Henry, it sure does!

We had a wonderful holiday season with you, and thanks for being such a champ and going on so many adventures with us (mostly Disneyland adventures). With that being said, you love being in your ergo carrier attached to mama, and to be honest I love you being in your ergo carrier too.

You've grown accustomed to your brother's kisses and gentle pats on your head. We are so grateful that James is such a good brother to you! We weren't sure what to expect from him, but he's noticing you notice him more every day, and has even laughed at your silly "talking". He even mimicked you and had a pretend conversation with you. It went something like this,

"Blaaaa. Maaaa. Ohhhh. Blaaaa!"-James

You just smiled at him.

Your bumbo has been a lot of help while mama is running around getting breakfast made, changing your brother's diaper (potty training post coming soon!), fixing up lunch, and even making dinner for everyone. To sum up, mama cooks and cleans a lot while you chill in your bumbo watching her, and you love it!

Sophie, your giraffe pal,  is one of your favorite toys. You can easily pick her up and drool all over her which keeps you busy for a bit. We like Sophie, she's super cool.

And boy-o-boy, you are so alert these days! You stare whenever mama + daddy are talking, you coo back at us, you SMILE so big when we ask you about your day, and I gotta admit you even get scared and cry if there's a loud noise...ahem, James.


NOT MUCH. You are by far one of the most sweetest souls I have ever met, and I'm not just saying that because you're my son. You are so quiet, but your eyes say multitudes. You are a lot like your dad in that way. A gentle soul and a quiet spirit, and I am so ecstatic for what God has in store for you.

I love you my handsome dude,

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