August 27, 2013

Dear Henry...

Well. Here we are, son. Nearing the end of week 39! You've been the best baby in utero! Can I just say that I can't wait to meet you?? Tonight I held a one week old baby and you know what? I am SO ready to hold you too! Your brother James did so good when I held baby Josiah, he was so curious, I can't wait to see his reaction when he meets you!

Tomorrow we have an appointment to make sure you're still doing good. But please take your time, there's no rush, I'm feeling pretty good these days, considering how awfully uncomfortable the end of pregnancy can be for some moms. Dad & I even took your bro to Disneyland yesterday! Walking is supposed to encourage you to make your debut, but honestly, I think you're just too cozy. Maybe you'll be a September baby like your mama? :)

Anyway, I just have to say I'm so proud of you for turning over two weeks ago! I was a little nervous about you being breeched at 37 weeks, and all the doctors and nurses were so shocked that you actually flipped over at 38 weeks! You, my sweet boy, seem to like to do things your own way! You stumped the medical world! And you are a testament that prayer truly works! We had a lot of people praying that you'd flip in time, and that's exactly what happened! I felt you turning over on Tuesday morning at 4am, had 4 contractions within' an hour, and then you were so still and quiet at 5am, I knew you'd gone to sleep from all the excitement of flipping over. And then on Wednesday morning at our special ultrasound appointment to see if you'd flipped or if we'd have to schedule a C-section, the tech confirmed that you were the right side up (down!). Here's a little photo of your fist from that morning. I like to think of it as you saying, "I. GOT. THIS."

We are so thankful for the community of friends and family that rallied beside us to pray for you and your amazing summersault skills! We love you and can't wait to meet you!!! See ya soon baby Henry Robert!


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