August 3, 2013

4th of July Weekend///Family Vacay!

This post might be late, but here's a quick recap of our last family vacation before Henry arrives!

July 4th: What would a little Independence Day be without some sparklers?! We spent the day hanging at home, and in the evening walked 1/2 a block to the Fullerton High School football field where we had thai food, roasted nuts (could seriously go for some of those right now-Henry just kicked me which I'm guessing he totally agrees), and watched the fireworks! It was a fun night!

July 5th: We packed up the car and headed to San Diego! We stopped at Balboa Park where James and Mitch rode the little train in the park. Of course James loved it! He sure does love choo-choo's! We walked around the park, just enjoying the awesome weather and chatting. It was nice to just stroll and not have to be anywhere or have any obligations. Ahhh, vacation life! 

James wanted Mitch to go into the fountain. We had a pretty good laugh about it. 

Pregnant with Henry at 32 weeks!

For dinner we ate at Filippi's Pizza Grotto in Little Italy. Definitely yummy food for a great price! 

July 6th: We woke up early (we stayed here & I recommend it! Right across the street from Old Town San Diego, literally, right across the street, and a decent room for a decent price!), had breakfast at Acapulco restaurant next to our hotel, and then headed to Sea World! James did great at the park! Although I will admit, at his age, I don't recommend any shows. He was fidgety and it was HOT when there wasn't a breeze. Doesn't make for a good time. We only did the dolphin show that morning, and then agreed NO more shows. We did most of the aquariums and the sky ride, and ended the day with going to Shamu's tank for James to say goodbye to the "big fishy". 

July 7th: Before we made our way back to Fullerton, we stopped at Old Town San Diego and had lunch. It's sort of a tradition that we stop there before heading home. We always eat at Casa de Reyes inside the plaza, and we love it!  After lunch, we took a few photos and then headed home, kind of exhausted, but definitely happy we spent family time together before our lives get a little crazy for a a good way of course!  

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