April 29, 2013


Life has been busy! But what else is new, right?

Last week I was going to do an update but as I opened my browser, out of the corner of my eye I saw a little thing hanging out breathing heavily near the bookshelf/lamp. I said very quietly to Mitch, "Dude. There is a FREAKING mouse in the house!" Yup. I rhymed and everything.

We think it snuck in under the security door when we had it open to let some of the stuffy heat out, and didn't see it because Mitch was out walking Teddy and I was putting James to bed. So we both HOPPED up and I took off to the linen cupboard to get a towel to block the hallway door so it wouldn't go in the hall to the bedrooms, and Mitch frantically looked around for something to catch it with. Turns out the property manager said he'd call the exterminator in the morning since it would be nearly impossible to get Ratatouille out of the house, so naturally I freak out and run to wal-mart to get some glue traps because there was NO WAY I was going to sleep knowing that a mouse was hanging out in the living room.

I got home and Mitch says, "I think Teddy chased it out! He ran to the door (we left it open just in case the mouse ran out) and started digging in the bushes and running around outside!" Our Teddy rescued us! He saved the day! He got about 10 treats that night and a billion x's and o's! But just to be safe I still set the traps out and we slept with towels under all the doorways :)

The exterminator confirmed it was an isolated incident since he didn't find any droppings. I know, it also made me sick and queasy---don't tell a pregnant lady ANYTHING about droppings man! Eew! But he set a black vermin box outside just to be safe which I was happy about.

And that was just Tuesday night.

Wednesday + Thursday, James and I spent the afternoons/evenings at Disneyland with family. I can't explain in words how great it was to see him interact with his cousins for the first time. He was acting like such a big boy! Walking around with them, holding hands with them, climbing with them, sword fighting...it was precious! I also love seeing my brother + his kiddos so much, it really makes me cherish them since we only see each other a few times a year.

Friday night we hung out as a family at home. MUCH NEEDED. *anyone else really into Grimm?*

Saturday we cleaned the house and got some much needed unpacking done. Yeah, I know, it's been almost 2 months since we've moved, but the boys room + photos/paintings have yet to be tackled. We'll get there someday.

Saturday evening Mitch & I had dinner in Downtown Fullerton with another couple from RockHarbor + we discussed some heavy things and hopeful things and it was just nice to chat and have an "adults only" night out. After dinner, Mitch and I escaped to Downtown Brea for sweets and talked about how long we've known each other and how excited we are for our future together. I love knowing that even though we feel like we know each inside & out, we still learn new things about each other + love each other despite our flaws + crazy days.

Sunday we had church! I love waking up and rushing off to church with James because I know in 45 minutes or less I can sit back and freely worship and cry and slow down a bit while I know James is hanging out with his friends downstairs. Such a comfort + peace in all of that.

And now it's Monday. Hoping this week will be a little slower than last week, but I'll take whatever I get since I love it all. Oh yeah, maybe you saw my FB post last week, and if you didn't I'll share it here. This also pretty much sums up how I've been doing lately as far as being a pregnant mama goes...

"Just saw a Verizon commercial about a mom & her baby that grows up & now I am sitting here with tears streaming down my cheeks. What's happening?! Oh. I'm 22 weeks pregnant & my 14 month old son said two words in a row today. I'm a mess. And a mom :)"

The two words were, "Hi baybee!"

My heart couldn't be much fuller!

1 comment:

Dad :) said...

You are such a talented writer mija and I enjoy each and every one of your blogs, Love Dad