January 17, 2013


There's a lot of new going on. I can't go into detail, but yesterday was rough. I was on a level 12 tired. The scale is only 1-10 by the way. I realize I'm in need of some R+R, and maybe an attitude adjustment. It's  just rough for me to say, "Ana take a break.", especially when the dishes need washing, the clothes need folding, the James needs loving and watching and feeding and changing, and the Teddy needs pooping. Ahhhh! Level 12, you guys. I realize this post is mostly me venting, and I'm sorry you have to read about it (or not, that's OK too), but I'm grateful for a place I can be honest and relate to a few of you out there.

Where do the days go? The hours? The MINUTES? I look at the clock and it says 9:30am, then I blink and it says 5:30pm. Am I right?!


It's all about balancing. I was at a friend's house a few months ago and I peeked at her cork board and she had the days of the week posted with a different task each day. Just one task per day. For example:

Monday: Laundry
Tuesday: Grocery Store
Wednesday: Sweeping and Mopping
Thursday: Vacuuming
Friday: Dusting
Saturday + Sunday: Whatever

GENIUS. She takes it one day at a time, no need to rush and get it all done in one day EVERYDAY, just one task a day. That's it.

So I guess you know where I'm going with this. I'm taking it one day at a time. I think I'll go with the example I posted above. If I forget something, I'll add it later. But since tomorrow is Friday, I'm going to get out my little duster and can of polish. Be afraid Ikea Billy shelves. You're getting dusted.

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