April 8, 2014

Feeble Minded Socialmedialite...

Dude. I tried to go without FB, IG, Twitter (ok, I did great and did actually quit you for the almost 40 days) for lent. But....

It's so hard! I tried to convince myself I had to check IG to make sure I didn't win any of those enticing contests I entered, or "what if someone is trying to get a hold of me and it's uber important??!"


All this to say, I logged into my IG twice. And I logged into FB about, hmmm...20 times. I'm such an awful failure.

But sure, there were plenty of instances, and important moments that counted because I was engaged with the boys instead of checking my social media accounts, and then there was the occasional "stop and pray because I wanna check every app on my phone".

I've come to realize it's insanely difficult to QUIT YOU social media, and at the same time, I LOVE YOU social media. It's true that you keep me connected to friends, family, acquaintances, awesome deals on baby items, contests that I want to enter so I can win my boys some Freshly Picked Moccs, etc. etc.

Why do you both rock and suck simultaneously social media?! Why??


Ok, rant over. I'm officially back on social media since my heart has not been in it the last couple of weeks. I will stay off IG for now, try my best to keep off FB for the better part of the day, and instead of beat myself up over failing to completely abstain from social media during Lent, I will thank God for such incredible technology that links us together and encourages us!

Here are the latest happenings around here since Ash Wednesday:

Henry is 7 months old! Scooting, rotating, eating solids, drinking water, smiling all the time (when he's not working on those top teeth), and is on the verge of crawling soon.

James is my rambunctious toddler that currently loves the word "NO!", hot wheels, Disneyland, and library books.

Mitch is living and loving ministry life at RockHarbor Fullerton and the church planters residency. What else can be said about that? I'd choose to be married to a pastor vs. a doctor any day because although one can physically heal you, there's nothing on earth like spiritual guidance and encouragement from an Associate Pastor! Love you, babe.

And I am still here! Surviving! Loving these little monsters and photographing when I get a moment. The art history bug bit me HARD last week, so a trip to LACMA or the Getty is happening soon. Mark my words.

my new granny glasses + perfect baby Henry

choo-choo watching at Fullerton train station

the fab 4

book babes

his hat says, "Not large, but in charge."---it's all true.

THEM. My moon, my men.

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