February 13, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday James Arthur...

Oh James, our sweet, charismatic, handsome, energetic, loving boy---today you turned two!

The absolute BEST and wonderfully exhausting two years of our lives, we wouldn't have it any other way little man. You make us so proud, we love seeing your eyes light up and glisten with excitement when you discover something new, or when we understand what it is you're trying to say to us, or when you see your favorite things come to life! Like when you saw your choo-choo train under the tree on Christmas morning, oh man, I about cried from all of the wonder and excitement that was across your sweet face! It was magic...pure magic!

We have loved getting to know who you are this past year. You can be so shy with strangers, or even people you see every week at church, but you opt to keep quiet or look away because you just don't know how to engage with everyone right away. Even your extreme separation anxiety makes you wonderful because we know one day you won't even look over your shoulder when it comes time for you to go to school.

You just started sleeping in your own toddler bed, in your own room about 2 weeks ago, which is amazing, but also SO HARD because we've loved cuddling with you these past two years. We were major advocates for co-sleeping because we knew the day you wanted to be in your big boy bed would come soon enough.

We took away your binky + your bottle about a month ago. We let you hang onto those two things for a while because we know there was already a lot of adjusting with your baby brother being born and we didn't want to rock the boat too much for you. But you were such a champ and handled both of those things so well! Okay okay, you do steal Henry's binky every once and a while...but you'll get over that soon enough.

Here's a list of our favorite phrases and funny quirks you've said or done this past year:

Old Man Walk: You would walk hunched over and move really slow like an old man! We asked you to do it tonight and you just stared at us with a blank look. I cried because you already forgot all about that, but we won't forget which is so wonderful and painful because you're growing up...

Mexican Hat Dance: Exactly what it sounds like. You tuck one arm under your armpit, and the other one is loose at your side, and you do a little step around an invisible thing on the ground = Mexican hat dance!

The Finger Suck: This one is totally weird, but you stick your finger in your mouth and then pull it out fast and say, "All done!". It's like when a chef kisses his fingers after he's made a gourmet meal or something. We always laugh!

"He-Haw-She-Saw": We have NO idea what this meant, but you would say it casually, or scream it, and it was just a form of communication for you. Either way, we miss you saying it. I wish I would've got it on video...

"All ABOOOOARD!": You fell head over heels for The Polar Express this past Christmas, and we (Dad + I) can quote Tom Hanks to a T. You used to say the sound of the words, but now you can actually pronounce, "All Aboard". I did get this on video and I can't wait to show your wife one day :)

"Vroom Vroom!"= Cars. Both the movie and actual physical cars we see everyday on the street.

"NOISE!": You say "NOISE!!!" whenever we see an ambulance or a fire truck. Because they both make loud noises. You're such a genius!

"Mick Mick": Mickey Mouse.

"MACK!": Mater + Mack the diesel truck from the movie Cars. We've realized they both share the same name since they're names are relatively similar.

And last but not least, this past week we realized what you were saying when you pointed to Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc. "Surrly" is his name to you, and "Mick Wazz??" is Sully. You have them mixed up my sweet boy, but we love it!

We are so happy you loved your Cars balloon, Hot Wheels, Mickey train, chocolate cake, and short but sweet visit to Disneyland today. We are so blessed by your tender soul and we can't wait to celebrate you again next year, and every day between then and now.

Mama & Dada

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