January 29, 2014


James, Henry, Addison, Bobby

Reading: My bible. No, I'm serious, I'm making it more of a MUST do before bed. It's really the only free time I have minus nap time which let's face it, is more like "shower, wash dishes, pay bills, clean up" time. I have also started reading a book my dear friend Emily gave me called, "Well Done Good and Faithful Mommy". I'll be sure to do a review of some sort when I finish! Which is hopefully sooner than later...

Doing: This week I started walking with the boys! Granted, we've only gone twice, yesterday we went for about 30 minutes, and today was a solid hour. Hoping to get rid of some of this pregnancy chubb that I like to call "J+H=35lbs"...yup.

Enjoying: This season! What a wonderful, hard, crazy, spirit seeking season! It's been rough, beautiful, exhausting, and everything else in between, but I have to tell myself to slow down, appreciate the tiny hand holding, snail trails on my shirts from Henry's drooling and spit up, the giddiest giggles from James----the best. We just took a trip to Arizona for my nephew's birthday, and the boys were so great! James was able to keep up with his cousins and played so well with them for the first time. I loved seeing him engage and enjoy himself with kids close to his age.

Watching: Revenge on Netflix, Parenthood on NBC, and of course Downton Abbey on PBS! And that's honestly about it. Ever since ABC stopped airing recent episodes on their websites, I haven't been able to catch up on Modern Family, Pretty Little Liars, etc. Boo on you ABC! Boooo!!!

Loving: These crazy boys of mine! Henry is so full of life these days, and James is whew! James...haha. Mitch is keeping me on my toes too with his crazy busy schedule, but hey! I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my people. They keep me grounded, level headed/crazy headed, busy and happy. For example, Henry was in the best mood ever today, and James was being silly and decided to tickle Henry and ohhh maaan...I have footage you guys. I will share that soon! :)

S.O to Sometimes Sweet for the idea to do "Currently" posts!

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