February 6, 2013

11 Months...

You weren't really in the mood to have your photo taken, but you warmed up a little more once mom started making funny noises and dancing around a little with the camera in her hand. It's so easy to make you laugh, son! I love that about you...you're always ready to smile and give away a little piece of heaven with each grin! 

I suppose this photo shoot is reflective of the kind of month you've had. A few weeks ago you burnt your hand on the wall furnace in the living room. You literally went around the baby gate, through the kitchen, past dad, and to the furnace. You had second degree burns on your left palm, and a few blisters on your fingers. You had two huge blisters on your palm that popped within the week, but your skin is so fair and thin that it will still take a few more weeks for you to completely heal. Everyday we change the dressing for your hand, and we apply burn cream to your hand too. It was such a hard week for mom and dad. Emotions were high, and all I can say is that it was a tough thing to go thru. Everything from guilt, to anger, to sadness, to confusion, and back to guilt again was felt. I blamed myself for not being there when it happened, and I know now that it was silly of me, because you're ok and it was just an accident and not anyone's fault. 

And so that's why you're wearing a sock on your left hand in these photos. We put long socks over your bandage so that you don't unwrap or mess with it. You made your dad and I laugh so much the other day because after we changed your bandage, you stuck your little hand out waiting for the sock to be put on over it. It was so funny because of how smart you are, but it also made my heart drop at the same time because you had to go thru something like this at such an early age. I want nothing but to protect you from every horror and painful thing on this earth, but I know that I won't be able to. So my very special prayer for you lately is that I would remember and recognize that no matter what, God is always with you, especially when I'm not.

And hey! We are getting ready to celebrate your 1st birthday soon! I can't believe you will be 1! But at the same time, I feel like I've known you my whole life. Isn't that something? I love you baby boy with every inch of my heart and soul! 



Kaylyn Machelle said...

Poor little honey! When Graham was teeny (like, 5 months maybe? I forget...) he pulled on my curling iron cord and it fell off the counter and landed on his arm. He had a blister that popped, too. :( I totally understand the guilt factor- I was there, too. We moms are imperfect and constantly learning, along with our children. You are a wonderful mom!

Ana said...

@Kay---it was so hard! How do these little people make our hearts ache and be full at the same time?! Thank you for the encouragement! Happy to be on the same journey with you! :)