November 9, 2012

Day 9...

Day #9, I am thankful for :

Artists/Art history/Museums!!!

Today I saw my all time absolute favorite artist, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio! I was so excited! My heart was racing, my hands clasped together in anxiousness, my eyes huge, it was surreal for me! I'm absolutely serious when I say this, I almost cried. Literally, choked up when I stared at the brushstrokes. "His hands created this. Such a gift", is what I said in my mind. I was that museum go-er that shoved their way to the front of the crowd to get a better look, and honestly, I didn't even care! This is my rockstar, people! True, he was a murderer, a tough guy, but he was genius! Regarding his painting The Calling of St. Matthew

Caravaggio's solution is much simpler: Light indicates the touch of grace. It pours in behind Christ and falls full upon Matthew, while the rest of the painting is plunged into dreary shadow. Caravaggio pioneered this chiaroscuro style, which is characterized by extremes of light and shadow. -Secret Lives of Great Artists

G E N I U S.

Georges de La Tour, Magdalen with the Smoking Flame, circa 1638-1640
aka the painting in the Little Mermaid's secret cavern

My boys + Chris Burden's Urban Light, 2008

The little + Michael Heizer's Levitated Mass, 1969-2012


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