November 4, 2011

So much babyness...

First off, we had our first newborn baby care class on Tuesday night. Mitch & I learnt to bathe a baby, change a diaper, and my favorite...SWADDLE! Not gonna toot my own horn or anything, but I'm pretty sure I've inherited my moms gift of swaddling. Mitch was impressed, let's just hope James is too when the time comes!

This weekend we are going to look for James' changing table/dresser. We've been throwing stuff away, selling stuff & reorganizing our little 1 bedroom home to accommodate this little guy. I guess it's called 'nesting', and it has honestly been so refreshing to get rid of junk!

So here's to a fun filled weekend of an early morning shift at work, a Disneyland date night, church, & of course, nesting & prepping for James Arthur. So much babyness.

1 comment:

Pammy said...

how cute! already a pro Ana-Alicia!