February 18, 2015

40 Days...

For the next 40 days instead of completely being off social media for the duration of lent, like I have attempted the last 3 years, I will be aiming for some quiet time with my Savior.

That's it dudes...

Just some special time set aside for me and Jesus, and maybe a book too. Right now I'm finishing LOVE DOES ---BY THE WAY, OH MAAAAN! It's rocking my world...a special post about this book will be coming soon!

So today when I thought about what I wanted to "give up" for lent, it hit me that I was making a stank face about giving something "up" because I feel like I have been giving up a lot of things lately. I can't elaborate on it too much right now, but it's definitely a season of trusting the Lord and giving up a lot of comforts...but here's the kicker: I am utterly content in all that I have to give to Him. Like seriously you guys, the thought of being released from fear and what the future holds for our family is astounding, it HAS to be the Holy Spirit because last year's Ana would be freaking out right now...but I suppose that's the beautiful thing about knowing a God that goes before us and prepares a beautiful future for us, whether we see it here on earth or in heaven.

So I realized I couldn't think of anything more important to give, except for intentional time I personally set aside for Him. Don't get me wrong, I do sit and have a cup of coffee and read and pray in the morning, but usually Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood is blaring in the background and two cutie pies named James and Henry need something every 3 minutes, so it's a little bit distracting to really hear His voice in the midst of all the chaos. So when it came down to deciding what I felt like I should cut out of my life in order to focus and spend more time with Jesus, I just decided to ADD to my life and set aside precious time with Him.

I pray you're season leading up to the greatest celebration of redemption and joy is a spirit filled time and that you too clearly hear all He has to say to you!


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