March 29, 2015

Egg Hunting 2015!

The Garden Church in Long Beach had an Easter egg hunt for the church/community today and our boys loved every second of it! Mitch and I laughed so much as James picked up a plastic egg, opened it, took a good long look at the candy, smiled, and then finally placed it in his bucket. EVERY SINGLE EGG. Henry was also very picky about which eggs he'd choose to place in his sea themed easter bucket and it was evident that anything big bro did, Henry would be seconds behind him doing exact same thing!

Thank you to The Garden Church for such a fun event!


Dad :) said...
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Dad :) said...

Excellent pictures that you'll cherish for a lifetime and the kids are looking so cute. God bless, Tata Bob

Unknown said...

Thanks Dad! It was a great day. Love you :)